About us

Writitude is made by copywriters

We envisioned Writitude in a client’s meeting room

It would be a tool that automates hundreds of pages of tone and style guidelines. It would simplify onboarding for new writers and reduce countless feedback loops. It would be a tool that marketers and communication teams truly need.

Olga and Katya, co-founders of Writitude
Olga and Katya, co-founders of Writitude

Every copywriter knows how it feels to be overworked

How it feels to be late for a family dinner: tight deadlines and a long list of requirements, often locked in a client’s head. Writitude’s briefs and automated guidelines solve that problem. Plus, AI enhances writing without piling on an insane amount of editing.

We are grateful for the all the support on the way
We are grateful for the all the support on the way

At Writitude we say — write your way

Because we don’t believe in a standard text or tone that works equally well for every brand. Every company deserves to have its story told well, and Writitude makes that achievable.

Writitude’s founding team — Victor, Alex, Olga and Katya
Writitude’s founding team — Victor, Alex, Olga and Katya
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